Monday, November 23

Tyler Jon Tyler's Debut Single

Our first 7" is out! Here's what Trouble In Mind says:

TIM007: Tyler Jon Tyler "New England Street" b/w "Faster Than Light"
We are proud to release the debut single by Chicago's own Tyler Jon Tyler. We can assure you that no other band going sounds like TJT. With a Pony that has traded his drums to play bass upside down, Tom from Daily Void's intricate drum patterns and "new comer" Rebecca's sparse guitar and thoughtful lyrics, their skeletal "less-is-more" sound brings to mind bands like The Clean, Young Marble Giants, & the Raincoats. These songs evoke a time and a place and demand your attention. (Not too mention Ian Adams' Stylophone wizardry on the B-Side)

Buy it on mix-colored vinyl at Trouble In Mind or from a distro near you! Here's a stream from our Bandcamp site...

<a href="">New England Street by Tyler Jon Tyler</a>